Employee Resistance to Change


Picture 1: Employee Resistance to change
Source: (rozee.pk,2017)

In today’s turbulent environment, to remain competitive and survive, changes are essential for every organization without considering the scale or industry it operates. The continuous changing process refers to the adaption to dynamic requirements of the society (Yang, 2014). Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a crucial role in the success of the organization's change process. Resistance to change is a common area to be addressed by the HRM, and it is a key factor in failing the success of a change organization.

Resistance to change can be categorized into two main sources as Individual and Organizational (Karaxha, 2019).

Individual Sources of Resistance

  • Strong Habits based on attitudes that are difficult to change

Naturally, people are resistant to change. People's attitudes can be changed through good leadership and training. At the same time can increase employee participation and commitment in the change process to change their attitude regarding the change (Sanchez, et al., 2020).

  • Threat to perceived security in the old system/ Perceived and real loss of income, especially when change entails a technological upgrading.

Individuals fear change because they believe they are secured in the old system. This arises due to a lack of knowledge on how to deal with the new system. Therefore it is important to arrange series of training programs that can improve individual skills and competencies (Sanchez, et al., 2020).

  • Selective information processing resulting in an inability to fully understand the reasons and consequences of change

Through proper communication must educate the employee regarding the objective of change.

  • Fear of the “unknown”

Communication plays a vital role in the change process. Employees may perceive it as an uncertainty towards their career that because they do not have adequate information regarding the change. Effective communication on the importance of change makes employees believe that change is not harmful (Sanchez, et al., 2020).


Organizational Sources for Resistance

  • The change initiative is not explored to cover adequate scope and depth

The organization should not be skimmed on the surface of change. The change initiatives must be well explored, managed, and planned. Organizational change refers to the range of developments and readjustments that are made to be adapted to the new strategy (Project Management Institute Inc, 2021).

  • Changes in the process are not adequately matched with concomitant changes to the organizational structure

The structure of the organization needs to be aligned with the change process otherwise it will fail at the beginning. The Lewin's model of change discuss following three steps of the change process (Hussain, et al., 2016).

Unfreezing- Normally people are in their comfort zone, Therefore need to unfreeze to make them adapt to change. At this step, employees are motivated to shift from the old state of doing things.

Changing- Modifications will be introduced to the employees and this is their transition stage, plenty of time will be given to the employees to be ready for the change.

Refreezing- The objective of this stage is to ensure that employees are aligned with the structure, new responsibilities to support the change.


Current complexities in the world often demand change and restructuring processes. Employees in the organizations show a considerable level of resistance when the change to their working environment going to introduce. Human Resource Management plays a crucial role in managing this resistance since if it is not well addressed it can lead to an organizational failure. Through effective communication, leadership, training, HR retention, and being more flexible can successfully address Employee resistance.

 Video 1: Employee Resistance to Change
(Geropp, 2020)


Geropp, B., 2020. 3 Major Reasons Why Employees Resist To Change. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT8LB0L1t64&t=7s
[Accessed 20 July 2021].

Karaxha, H., 2019. Methods for dealin with Resistence to Change. [Online]
Available at: https://sciendo.com/downloadpdf/journals/bjreecm/7/1/article-p290.xml
[Accessed 25 July 2021].

Project Management Institue Inc, 2021. Project Management Institute. [Online]
Available at: https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/factors-influence-organizational-change-projects-6495
[Accessed 25 July 2021].

Hussain, S. T. et al., 2016. Kurt Lewin's process model for organizational change: The role of leadership and employee involvement: A critical review. [Online]
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309182963_Kurt_Lewin's_process_model_for_organizational_change_The_role_of_leadership_and_employee_involvement_A_critical_review
[Accessed 10 August 2021].

rozee.pk, 2017. Why Employees Resist Change in the Workplace. [Online]
Available at: https://www.rozee.pk/blog/2017/11/employees-resist-change-workplace/
[Accessed 10 July 2021].

Sanchez, J.-L. R., Carso, N. M. & Viloria, A., 2020. ResearchGate. [Online]
Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344571451_Managing_Human_Resources_Resistance_to_Organizational_Change_in_the_Context_of_Innovation
[Accessed 25 July 2021].

Yang, X., 2014. Resistance to Organizational Change and the Value of Communication. [Online]
Available at: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/37857/1/gupea_2077_37857_1.pdf
[Accessed 25 July 2021].




  1. Resistance to change is a natural reaction when employees are asked, well, to change. ... People have trouble developing a vision of what life will look like on the other side of a change. So, they tend to cling to the known rather than embrace the unknown. Employees don't fear change, though, they fear the unknown.The major reason why employees resist change at work is that of bad execution and management of change. ... In companies, managers, and supervisors are the ones who have to implement the changes cascaded down to them by CEOs or Directors

    1. Thankyou very much for sharing your view Oshadha.

  2. Resistance to change is viewed as a normal reaction. Even the most cooperative, supportive employees may experience resistance to change. Introducing change with a positive spirit and believe that employees want to cooperate, make the best of each work situation they will completely and enthusiastically support the changes. Thanks for sharing Rukmali.

  3. Change is something that employees refuse to embrace. Though it is the key to keep the organizations in the long run, employees will naturally resist. This gap must be filled with effective communication of positives within the Changes. The managers must take this responsibility to ensure that the employees are motivated towards accepting the changes.

  4. To overcome employee push back, To make the transition a success in the organization, take the time to plan well, and set up any support programs that are needed. people can resist change for a number of reasons. The transformation management team should anticipate these sources of resistance and take a clear, constructive approach to communicating with them. By choosing the right strategies to deal with change and following the best practices in this guide, it can empower the most effective transition process.Nice article Rukmali

  5. Hi great topic! as you explained here companies need to understand that there is going to be resistance. To face it: people prefer stability and comfort over change in both their personal and professional lives. Though it’s much easier to live inside the comfort of normal day-to-day life, change happens and is always going to be something that needs to be handled. Over the past few years, change has become a norm in the business world. Thanks for sharing

  6. If we ask who need a change, lot of people like it. But if we ask who want to change, no one is like for it. Because most of the people are in their comfort zone and they are reluctant to come out from their comfort zone. As you mentioned, education & communication is the key factor of this and giving more accountability to people who raise their voices against change then company can do the changes in an effective manner . Ultimately Change is Courage.

  7. In nature, once people got used to something they reluctant to come out of confirm zone. But changes are essential to the growth of both individuals as well as for the organizations. HRM has a duty to change the mind set of employees from the beginning through trainings and workshops.

  8. I believe that the lack of job security in the changed environment is one of the main reason that most employees reluctant to change themselves from what they do. As a solution for this. the employer can build a good relationship with the workers and if they believe the management is offering the best solution for them, the employees no fear for the change. Thank you for sharing, keep it up

  9. Most employees are reluctant to change due to comfortability of being in the safe zone and the security of the job also have an influence into it. By providing a proper guidance through clear and open communication and by increasing the trust among employees the resistance to change can be lessen. Well explained.

  10. Resistance to change is to oppose changed circumstances or to change existing conditions. Employees can withstand a change if they are not informed of the reasons for the change or assumptions made in the decision-making process. Listening to staff concerns and opinions will help reduce resistance to change. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Rukmali, Lack of trust and lack of communication are some of the main reasons for the change in employee resistance. To prevent resistance to change, provide evidence that a new process, tool, or change is most beneficial to them. Educate employees about how this new change will directly improve their lives. well explained and thanks for sharing.

  12. Employee resistance to change is a complex issue facing management in the organization today. The process of change is universal and employee resistance is a critically important contributor to the failure of many well-intend efforts to initiate change within the organization. By identifying why employees are resisting change, better decide how to overcome resistance to change head-on. If lack of awareness or fear is the problem, greater communication and discussion groups may help support more positive organizational behavior.

  13. Hi Rukmali. Resistance to change is the opposition to altered circumstances or modification of the status quo . Also, work to combat resistance by using these six strategies:
    1. Inspire with vision
    2. Provide affirmation.
    3. Respond calmly to mistakes.
    4. Tie job performance to collaboration.
    5. Share progress
    6. Encourage emotional awareness.

  14. Employees may resist change when they haven't been briefed on the reasons for the change or the thinking behind the decision-making. HR should listen to employee concerns and ideas will help reduce resistance to change.

  15. Change is inevitable and as a company it should be able to anticipate the change and have planned for the change. Resistance to change happens when the employees are not informed or briefed on the change. The emotional disturbance of the change will takeover the situation control and disrupt the smooth functioning of the company as well. Due to the changing environment in the technology field all company's should adapt changes in order to be successful in the competition. Waddell and Sohal, 1998, stressed that the reason for the failure of many change initiatives are due to resistance change. Resistance to change introduces costs and delays into changes (Ansoff, 1990).


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